United Mobile Heating and Cooling
69 Eisenhower Lane South
Lombard, IL 60148
(877) 457-9400


  • Temporary Heating, Cooling & Power
  • National Emergency 24/7 Service
  • Rental & Sales
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United MHC aspires to be the most reliable and authentic temporary heating/cooling equipment and service provider in the nation. You can schedule the visit now just by filling out the form or you can directly call us by clicking on the button above.

United MHC serves in many industries like hospitals, offices, construction, retails and much more. Our mission at United MHC is to provide superior temporary heating and cooling solutions and services to our clients. We pledge 24/7 emergency response to ensure immediate indoor air quality at a fair cost to our customers nationwide

United MHC delivers incredible temporary heating & cooling solutions across a wide range of companies and industries.

If it’s Temporary Heating, Cooling, Direct Fire Heaters, Portable Heat Pumps & Equipment, HEPA Spot Coolers, Indirect fire heaters, Electric heaters, Fuel Hubs & Propane, Generators 100 KW – 3000 KW. Want to get the best idea? Think United MHC.

Call now to learn more – 877.457.9400
visit our website at

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